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For Students

High Schools

In New York City, students apply to high school during their 8th grade year. Current first-time 9th grade students can also apply to programs with 10th grade seats. Visit for more information.

En la ciudad de Nueva York, los estudiantes solicitan ingreso a la escuela secundaria durante el octavo grado. Los estudiantes actuales de noveno grado por primera vez también pueden postularse a programas con vacantes de décimo grado.Visite para mas informacion.

2021 NYS State Exams


For more information, please visit Brooklyn North Testing Information and Resources.


If you want to attend a Specialized High School, you need to take the Specialized High School Assessment Test.

Working Papers

If you need to apply for Working Papers, see the document below!

Homework Help

Have a Question about Homework? Call the Dial-A-Teacher Hotline at (212) 777-3380. 

A qualified, licensed classroom teacher is available Monday – Thursday, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. when school is in session.

Remote Learning Tips

  1. Create a daily schedule. You should stick to your normal routine as much as possible. Wake up at the same time that you normally would and save the sleeping in for the weekends. After the school day is over, get away from technology for a bit before starting in on your homework. Make sure you do something active every day. Schedule in dinner and family time as well.

  2. Get up and move in between classes. It is even better if you can walk outside for a minute just for some fresh air. Do some jumping jacks or have a mini dance party--something to get your blood flowing. This will help to give you a burst of energy, wake up your body and brain, and get you ready to settle in for your next class.

  3. Create a workspace (not your bed!).  It can be a desk, a table, or a space in your home that’s dedicated to your schoolwork and is as distraction-free as possible. Make it comfortable because you will be spending a lot of time there. Add a plant or two. Put some photos or a cool drawing up. Make it a place you love.

  4. Get dressed every day. I know, I know--hanging out in your PJs all day sounds awesome, but putting on some regular clothes helps us shift into a work mindset and be more productive.