Parents & Guardians » Policies



At Evergreen Middle School for Urban Exploration, we take attendance VERY seriously! If you are not in school, you are not learning.  We encourage you to accrue no more than five unexcused absences per year.  Your daily, on-time attendance is critical to your success in school. You will be considered chronically absent if you miss only two days of school per month (18 days in a year), whether the absences are excused or unexcused. Even one year of chronic absence can cause you to fall behind academically and decrease your chances of graduating from middle school and high school, which can have long-term consequences on your financial independence, physical well-being and mental health.  The good news? Attending school every day increases your chances of success in school and in life.


Please Remember:


All appointments, doctors or otherwise, should be scheduled for after school time.  If there are no out-of-school appointments available, please come to school in the morning, and have a parent or guardian pick you up for the appointment.

  • The first day of school is Wednesday, September 5th.  Please do not extend your summer break and miss the first day of school.
  • The last day of school is June 26th.  Please do not plan to leave for the summer before school ends.
  • Please DO NOT plan extended vacations around school holidays.
  • Students should not be expected to stay home to babysit siblings.
  • Most field trips are mandatory and part of your grade.  However, If there is a trip that you are not attending, you are still required to attend school.
  • Not having a clean uniform is not an excuse to stay home.  We have washers and dryers at school and can wash your uniform for you.
  • Rain and light snow are not reasons to stay home.  If school is open, you are expected to be present.  If the weather is dangerous, the Mayor will close schools.